
Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Working towards weeks 4-10

Ok, I have loaded up everyone's blog focus for the next 6 weeks of the course. The abbreviations are
S = Servant
G = Gardener
B = Builder
R = Resource manager
C = Cross carrier
P = Parent

So if you want to see what, say "builders" are learning about leadership, click on people with a "B" beside their name.

And a reminder that the "early church" text we are drawing from is 1 Corinthians 3 and 4; to ask what these 6 images mean for our leadership?
- servant; 3:5; servants who waited on you
- gardener; 3:6-9; you are God’s garden
- builder; 3:9-17; I laid a foundation on which others
- resource manager; 3:18-4:7; Christ’s oikonomos [estate manager]
- cross carrier; 4:8-13; we are fools for Christ
- parent; 4:14-21; "fathers" to help you grow

A notice

Just a reminder to the class that the 3 posts you need to do in relation to weeks 1-3 do not include your first post introducing yourself. That was just to get you used to posting.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Lecturers quote of the week

"Leaders need an ear more than a tongue."

How to set up your own blog?

Thanks to all those who turned up at the 'How to set up your own blog' workshop. I look forward to receiving an email from all the class over the next week; with the URL for your blog.

In case you missed the workshop, here is a copy of the handout we worked through; How to set up your own blog